Tuesday 9 January 2024

Creative Writing Workshop-Notice

 You are Manpreet/Anushka. You have planned a two-week creative writing workshop to be arranged to inspire and educate young aspiring writers of Modern School, Banglore to hone their creative writing skills. Draft a notice in about 50 words stating the objective of the cause, also provide details, and request students to participate in the workshop.

                        Modern School, Banglore                                                        Notice

                         Creative Writing Workshop

 Date: Jan 10, 2024

All the students are informed that a creative writing workshop is being organized for a week on the school premises.

Dates: from the 9th of Jan, 2024 to the 15th of Jan, 2024

Time: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
All the students of senior classes must participate in the workshop.


Top of Form




Sale of Old Sports Goods-Notice

Q. As sports secretary of G. D. Public School, draft a notice in 50 words for your school notice board informing the students about the sale of old sports goods of your school. You are Rohini/Rohan.0

               G. D. Public School, Jalandhar
              Sale of Old Sports Goods
Date: Jan 10, 2024
This is to inform all the students that the school will be conducting a sale of old sports goods on Jan 15, 2024, at 10 a.m. in the auditorium. Interested students can visit the sports room to purchase sports materials at affordable prices. Don't miss this opportunity to grab quality sports goods.


Sports Secretary

Thursday 7 December 2023

Daylight Robbery in the City

Q 6 B Report-writing Samples:

You are Amit/Amita. As a Staff Reporter for Deccan Herald, write about a recent daylight robbery that took place in a house in the city, covering all the details like robbery happening in a day, robbers armed with guns and bars, owners filing complaints, valuable ornaments lost, etc. in about 120-150 words.
                                   Daylight Robbery in the City
                 By Amit/Amita, Staff Reporter,Deccan Herald

Agra, 2nd September, 20XX: 

In a shocking incident, a daylight robbery unfolded in a city residence, sending shockwaves through the neighborhood. The perpetrators, armed with guns and bars, brazenly entered the house during the day when the owners were away. The victims, Mr. and Mrs. Verma, returned home to find their house ransacked. Distraught, they immediately reported the incident to the local authorities.
Preliminary investigations reveal that the robbers targeted valuable ornaments, making away with a significant haul. The police are diligently working to gather evidence and identify the culprits. The incident has raised concerns about the safety of residential areas during daylight hours, prompting calls for increased security measures. The Verma family is urging fellow residents to remain vigilant and cooperate with law enforcement to ensure the swift apprehension of the robbers and prevent such incidents in the future.

Lack of Civic Sense-Article-Article writing-writing Skulls- Class 12 English

Question 1:
Last week as you were coming back from school you happened to see a huge plastic bag full of leftovers of food being flung into the middle of the road from a speeding car. You wondered how people can be so devoid of civic sense. Write an article in 125-150 words on why we lack civic sense and how civic sense can be inculcated in children at a very young age. You are Shiva/Shamini.

Last week, while coming back from school, I saw that someone threw a bag full of food leftovers onto the road from his fast-moving car! It made me think: Why do some people not care about keeping things clean?

I believe one reason is that not everyone learns about civic sense when they are young. Some people might not know how important it is to take care of public spaces. To fix this, we need to teach kids about civic sense early on. Parents and teachers can show children how to throw garbage in bins, not on the road. They can explain why it's crucial to keep our surroundings clean. Schools can even have fun activities to make learning about civic sense exciting. By teaching these values from a young age, we can grow up to be responsible citizens who care about our community and keep it clean.