Friday, 5 August 2016

Some More Formats: Notice/Report-writing

                              Name of School/Organisation                                                                               
                                     (Appropriate Heading)  
{ Space
{ for
{ writing
{ information

--------------------(Name in block letters)
(-----------------)(Designation as mentioned in the question)

Writing Reports

       Heading/Title of the Report (as shown in the question)
        (Reporter’s name , class, roll number)

{……………………………………………………Opening paragraph
          giving briefly about the incident/event/accident also telling  about the date, place, etc. what happened, when, where & how}

{……………………………………………….There are two or three paragraphs in this part of the report. (i) If the report is about a trip or a tour, explain the main activities you did along with your friends, how you enjoyed the scenery and other things. You are to imagine the same experiences and write them here in your report. If you have not experienced such experience, then you are to imagine such experience
(ii) if the report is about a function, then you are to write about the main activities….how the function started, who was the chief guest, how the function progressed from one activity to the last one. You can drop the unimportant detail. Keep in mind the word-limit}
{ …………………………………………………………………..In the last paragraph, you will conclude your report telling about
(i)                             If you are writing about a tour, you will tell how it was a success and how you enjoyed the trip.
(ii)                           If you are writing about a function, you will write about the last item and vote of thanks and how the audience enjoyed it}

Letter To Editor
House No.……………… (Your Address)
……………………………………(leave space)
The Editor
……………………… (Name of the newspaper as given in the question)
 Dear Sir/Madam,
Subject (i.e. problem):………………(as  given in the Q. Paper)……

(First para: You will write about the problem and usual sentences to draw the attention of the public.
The body of the letter may include 2 to 3 passages elaborating the issue/problem, how the problem has become serious and affecting the society in general, reasons, effects and suggestions to improve the situation.
In last small passage you may talk about your hope about the impact of your write-up would have on public.

                                     Bhartiya Vidya Mandir
                                   Talent Hunt Programme
Entries for a Talent Hunt programme to be organized on Sept. 07/2014 in the Auditorium of the school are being invited. The students may show their talents in mono acting, mime-show, speech, singing and poem recitation. One student can take part in one item only. The closing date is Sept 05/2014. All the students will remain present in the Conference Hall for the Short-listing programme on Sept. 06/2014, the Sunday. Submit your fully filled-in-form to the undersigned:
Cultural secretary
School Cultural Association

1.      Assume yourself as Ashima/Ashutosh of class XII, the sports secretary of your School Sports Club. Announce in a notice that the Annual Sports Meet of the school will be organized for three days i.e. from Feb. 02 to 04. Tell the students to meet Physical Instructor Mr. Soni and decide about the event you are going to participate in. Mr. Soni will be available only in zero period. The Local M.L.A. will inaugurate the function on Feb. 02 at 10 a.m. sharp.

                                    Anglo Sanskrit Modern School ABC
                                     ( About Annual Sports Meet)
 January 31/….
All the students are informed that the Annual Sports Meet is going to be organized on Feb. 02, 03 and 04. The students who want to participate in the Meet may give their names to Mr. Soni, Physical Instructor, tomorrow in the zero period and also decide about the event which you are going to take part in. The Local M.L.A. will inaugurate the function on Feb. 02 at 10 a.m. sharp. Ensure your presence on time.
Sports Secretary
School Sports Club

2.       Assume yourself as Aradhya/Arun of class XII, the organising secretary of the School Sports Club. Announce that an inter-house debate competition is going to be held on the coming Saturday in the school Auditorium. Also write in the notice other relevant details about the function.
                                      S. D. Public School ABC
                               ( Inter-house Debate Competition)
  Sept. 18,……..
  The students  of all the four Houses are informed that an Inter-house Debate Competition on the topic ‘How Much Freedom Should be Given to the Press’ is going to be held in the Auditorium at 10:00 a. m. sharp on Saturday. The prefects of the Houses are told to submit the list of the four participants from each house to the undersigned.
 Organising Secretary

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